

Launching Ceremony for the New Offices at 18th Floor, JKR Sarawak

Posted on 16 May 2024
Source of News: Corporate Communication Branch

The launching ceremony for the new offices at 18th Floor, JKR Sarawak Headquarters was held earlier today by YBhg. Datu Ir. Ts. Richard Anak Tajan, Director of Public Works. The offices involved include Deputy Director (Human Resource & Corporate Affairs), Human Resource Branch, Corporate Communication Branch and Project Implementation & Monitoring Branch. Datu DPW was accompanied by Puan Josenthiana anak Manggie, Deputy Director (Human Resource & Corporate Affairs) and the Senior Principal Assistant Directors throughout the visit.

In his officiating speech, he wished that the excellent services by these branches will rise to an even higher level through the improved working condition. He also said that he wants the officers to always display great work ethics and maintain a high level of professionalism throughout. Also present during this visit were JKR Top Management and senior officers in JKR Headquarters.

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Last Updated On 06 Sep 2024

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