

JKR Sarawak Integrity Day 2024

Posted on 07 May 2024
Source of News: Corporate Communication Branch

An integrity pledge ceremony was held earlier today in conjunction with the celebration of JKR Sarawak Integrity Day 2024. The ceremony, which took place in JKR Kuching Divisional Office, was officiated by YBhg. Datu Ir. Ts. Richard Anak Tajan, Director of Public Works. The pledge was led by Encik Wong Siu Ping, Senior Principal Assistant Director (Integrity) and was joined by all JKR Sarawak staff both in Headquarters and Divisional Office, physically or virtually through Zoom application.

The purpose of JKR Sarawak Integrity Day is to improve the committment level of JKR Sarawak workforce towards the integrity values and professional ethics, as well as to strengthen the best practices in office administration and to create a healthy working environment, free from any malpractice.

In his speech, YBhg. Pengarah Kerja Raya Sarawak had applauded the department for already achieving 51 from the 57 initiatives under OACP JKR Sarawak, which is scheduled to be completed in the year 2025. He hoped that every civil servant in the department can work together to cultivate integrity and reminded everyone to deeply understand the existing government policy, rules and regulations so that all of the programs and projects that had been planned can be executed in an excellent manner.

At the end of the program, Datu DPW and JKR Directorates had the opportunity to visit various food stalls that had been set up for this event in conjunction with the Raya-Gawai celebration.

© Copyright of Public Works Department (PWD) Sarawak
Last Updated On 06 Sep 2024

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