

One Month Pledge Signing Session - FMM for Sarawak Museum Complex

Posted on 12 Jun 2024
Source of News: Building Asset Branch

The signing of the Contractor’s One Month Deliverable Pledge was witnessed by Ir. Ts. Gs. Br. Dr. Cassidy Anak Morris, Director of Public Works Department at JKR Sarawak Headquarters for the project Facility Management & Maintenance (FMM) for Borneo Cultures Museum and Annex Building at Sarawak Museum Complex, Kuching, Sarawak.

This is a significant landmark as the first Facilities Management & Maintenance contract implemented by the State, adopting the federal PWD Facilities Management & Maintenance 2016 Form of Contract, a performance-based contract with clearly defined Key Performance Indicators (KPI). This project will be the pioneer for all future State FMM projects, aiming to enhance the efficiency and quality of service delivery. The 39-month contract has commenced on 27 May 2024 and will be completed on 26 August 2027.


Also present in the session were Ir. Ts. Chang Kueh Chin, Deputy Director (Asset Sector), Ts. Hj. Mohammad Saifrol bin Sheikh Naimullah, Senior Principal Assistant Director (Building Asset Branch) and senior officers of JKR Sarawak.

© Copyright of Public Works Department (PWD) Sarawak
Last Updated On 06 Sep 2024

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