

Director of Public Works Sarawak Site Visit - Kelab Golf Sarawak

Posted on 22 Jun 2024
Source of News: Corporate Communication Branch

YBrs. Ir. Ts. Gs. Br. Dr. Cassidy anak Morris, Director of Public Works Sarawak had visited the project site to monitor the progress of Refurbishment Works for Kelab Golf Sarawak. The visit is conducted to monitor the physical performance of the project as well as to ensure the refurbishment works can be excellently executed by the appointed contractor.

Pengarah Kerja Raya Sarawak telah diberi taklimat oleh Ts. Mohammad Saifrol  bin Sheikh Naimullah, Senior Principal Assistant Director (Building Assets) had briefed Director of Public Works Sarawak on the latest status of the refurbishment works, which is expected to be completed by the end of July 2024. The appointed contractor had given full commitment to make sure that the project can be completed within the stipulated timeframe. Also present during the site visit were Ir. Liew Ming Chek, Divisional Engineer (JKR Kuching) and officers from JKR Sarawak.

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Last Updated On 06 Sep 2024

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