

Seminar: Towards Digitalization and Sustainable Infrastructure Projects In Malaysia

Posted on 27 Jun 2024
Source of News: Corporate Communication Branch

Ir. Ts. Gs. Br. Dr. Cassidy anak Morris, Director of Public Works Sarawak had officiated a seminar entitled Towards Digitalization and Sustainable Infrastructure Projects In Malaysia which was held at JKR Research Centre earlier today. The seminar was organized by JKR Sarawak together with Technological Association Malaysia, Sarawak Branch and it is a very important event to equip the department with necessary knowledge on the latest technology so we can be ready to handle challenges in the current digital era.

This new technology will play a very important role in the instructure development for Sarawak, whose aim is to be a well-developed state by 2030. Director of Public Works urged that "We have to be open to try new things and explore alternative methods when we do our work especially when it comes to the utilization of technology in the context of infrastructure development."

80 participants had joined this one day seminar which touched on the following topics:

i. Introduction to Pan Borneo Highway System Framework
ii. Integrated Project Management System (PMS)
iii. Integrated Asset Management System (IAMS)
iv. Case Studies on BIM practices in projects

Also present during the seminar were Deputy Directors, Senior Principal Assistant Directors and officers from JKR Sarawak.

© Copyright of Public Works Department (PWD) Sarawak
Last Updated On 06 Sep 2024

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