

Deputy Minister for Infrastructure & Ports Development Visit to Sibu

Posted on 10 Jul 2024
Source of News: Corporate Communication Branch

YB Datuk Ir. Aidel Bin Lariwoo, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure & Ports Development (Infrastructure) had visited the proposed project site for Jalan Baru Teku Pasai-Siong, which will link the area to Kemuyang. He said that the project will be implemented under the program of Projek Rakyat. This is followed by another site visit to the project of alternative road from Sibujaya to Jalan Kong Yit Khim. He informed that the project is expected to be completed by December this year.

After the morning visit, Ts. Chieng Siong Ming, Divisional Engineer (JKR Sibu) had briefed the delegation with regards to infrastructure projects under JKR Sibu supervision. Therefore, YB Datuk Ir. Aidel Bin Lariwoo emphasized to the media that there are no project that can be classified as critically delayed as of today. He hoped and believed that JKR Sibu will always stay commited to serve the community in Sibu.


In the afternoon, they visited a few more sites for the project of Jalan Sg. Bidut/Kpg. Tutus/Kpg. Sebedil/ Kpg. Bungan Kecil, Sibu Division. Also present during the visit were Datuk Dr Annuar Rapaee, Deputy Minister of Education, Innovation and Talent Development, Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, ADUN (Bawang Assan), Ts.Chieng Siong Ming, Divisional Engineer (JKR Sibu), officers from JKR Headquarters and JKR Sibu Divisional Office, officers from MIPD and other departments.

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Last Updated On 06 Sep 2024

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